Monday, December 8, 2008

New Sounds

Whether black people are trapped in the brown bricks of Marcy Projects or Jane & Finch or even the desolate fields of Southern Sudan, or the Soweto slums, the same issues exist. Lack of education, lack of resources, and a people's pride and the system's machine work to make sure that they are kept under thumb.

I couldn't begin to go into all of the issues that plague the black community, nor do I think this space is going to be the place for it, but as with everything, I hope something I say might make you want to check it out for yourself and use these thoughts and ideas as a springboard for your own personal edification.

It's not enough to make music to dance to. It needs to say something. But just because it's sad doesn't mean we can't dance. Doesn't mean we shouldn't move. Because in everything we do there is good and bad. And I love dancing angry. And I'm angry most of the time.

I commit to trying not to be a Johnny downer. And I never want that for anybody, but we need to wake up and realize we aren't alone. None of us.

When Stephen Harper* wakes up in the morning, he thinks about his family, and the people that look, think, talk and act like him. He doesn't care about the world at large. And he's the leader of my country. (Fill in your horrible leader here*) Our political leaders, our spiritual leaders, they are human. And they think for themselves.

Don't you ever forget to do the same.

But unlike them, remember we're all here together.

But in the end...
Think for yourself stupid.
Think for yourself.


3 comments of assent & dissent:

jon jon December 10, 2008 at 9:05 AM  

It's always raing in the it's time to rain on Harper!

dex digi December 19, 2008 at 12:06 PM  

re: "sad music": amen, amen, amen. lighters, and such. well said.